Creating a rubber mold of a smaller menorah prototype.
A rubber mold is used to creat a small prototype of the menorah.
A rubber mold is used to creat a small prototype of the menorah.
Branches of menorah made from plaster strengthened with epoxy and clay.
Branches of menorah made from plaster strengthened with epoxy and clay.
The original menorah described in Exodus was patterned after the almond tree. As the first to blossom each spring, it is a symbol of life and vitality. The menorah on the Arch of Titus retains this connection to the flowering tree with its trunk, branch, bud and blossoms.
Branches of menorah made from plaster strengthened with epoxy and clay.
All the symbols are in some way connected with the land, the temple or the feasts.
All the symbols are in some way connected with the land, the temple or the feasts.
Grape leaf and harp.
Symbols in inset panels are taken from Judean coins minted during the Hasmonean period, the Great Revolt and the Bar Cochba Revolt.
Rubber molds were then made of the prototype.
Casting wax patterns from rubber molds.
The wax patterns are used to cast the bronze parts. The menorah will be cast in 17 parts and brazed together. It is a difficult shape to cast due to the difficulty of maintaining the symmetry of six arms that vary in length and thickness and thus have varying amounts of shrinkage as the molten bronze begins to harden.
The wax patterns are used to cast the bronze parts. The menorah will be cast in 17 parts and brazed together. It is a difficult shape to cast due to the difficulty of maintaining the symmetry of six arms that vary in length and thickness and thus have varying amounts of shrinkage as the molten bronze begins to harden.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.
Final bronze casting made with Everdure Silicone Bronze and given a classic antique patina.